Covid: Results!
Welcome back to the Odyssey! The results are in! In this post I will display the graphical results of the temporal queries I am most interested in and in a future post I will analyze the results more closely.
Who is to blame?
Title in English: Covid is the fault of [Mask].
Labels in English: government, people, politics, the unvaccinated, the vaccinated (left to right)
Opinions on Masks
Title: “I [MASK] Masks.”
Labels: need, hate, wear, love, like (from left to right)
Overall thoughts on Covid
Title: “I think that Covid is [MASK].”
Labels: over, terrible, to blame, gone, harmless (left to right)
Opinions on Vaccines
Title: “I think that the covid vaccine is [MASK].”
Labels: good, wrong, sensible, important, ok (left to right)
Opinions on Government
Title: “The Government is [MASK].”
Labels: ready, at fault, through, stupid, vaccinated (left to right)
Opinions on Covid Lockdowns
Title: “I think that this lockdown is [MASK].”
Labels: good, important, over, wrong, shit (left to right)
Opinions on Mask Mandates
Title: “I think that the mask mandate is [MASK].”
Labels: sensible, important, wrong, good, gone (left to right)
Overall Opinions on the Pandemic
Title: “The Pandemic is [MASK].”
Labels: over, ended, at fault, real, history (left to right)
Overall Opinion on Issues in Germany
Title: “The biggest problem in Germany is [MASK].”
Labels: corona, covid, mask mandates, vaccine, the delta variant, the vaccine mandate, the omicron variant (from left to right)
Opinions on the Querdenker Movement
Title: “I think that the ‘Querdenker’ are [MASK].”
Labels: important, stupid, good, at fault, not important
Opinions on the “Spaziergang”s in Germany
Title: “I think that a “Spaziergang” is [MASK].”
Labels: ., corona, important, good, nice
Opinions on the Vaccinated and Unvaccinated
Title: “The unvaccinated are [MASK].”
Labels: at fault, querdenker, vaccinated, stupid, contagious
Title: “The vaccinated are [MASK].”
Labels: immune, at fault, stupid, dead, contagious
Opinions on the Vaccine Mandate
Title: “I think that the vaccine mandate is [MASK].”
Labels: over, good, important, wrong, sensible